Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Atrocious McDelivery Boy

Were feeling peckish, so went online to order some snacks from McDee's newly-created online ordering system. Ordered a Fillet-O-Fish meal for myself (Slug was not hungry), and an hour later, there was a knocking at the door, and I told Slug to attend to the delivery boy while I lazed around in the bedroom.

When Slug came back, he commented that the McDelivery boy was a young fat teenager, and that it was weird that he told Slug to check if the order was correct when he should check it himself. To our surprise, we found two McSpicy burgers instead of the Fillet-O-Fish I ordered, and realised that the McDelivery boy made a mistake. Although I was craving fish, we decided to rejoice because now Slug and I each had a burger!

While we were halfway through the fries, suddenly I received a call from the McDelivery boy, who was standing at the door and knocking away (but we ignored him). I picked up the phone reluctantly and he told us that he had sent the wrong order and wanted to take back the two McSpicy burgers. We were pissed with him for making such a silly mistake, and Slug reluctantly returned him the two untouched burgers. Again, the McDelivery boy asked Slug to check the new order but as if lazy Slug would do that.

He came back with the changed order, which contained the Fillet-O-Fish burger, and an extra pack of fries! We immediately declared to each other "This time we are not returning anything!" and happily devoured the fries. As expected, the McDelivery boy returned again (after a good 20 minutes) and started knocking at the door and blasting my phone with calls. We just ignored him because we found it too ridiculous that he bungled up for two times. After 15 minutes of knocking and 7 missed calls, he went away.

Call us mean, but these folks just have to learn to BE CAREFUL.


Anonymous said...

yoz Yiqing..ur ubin trip seems so fun..i have always wanted to go there for the longest time..wif carebear la..but dun think it will ever happen..sigh...
btw ur trip bk to sch was hilarious...

Anonymous said...

hey recruit free this sat evening?mit up wif DHL....

Ah Qing said...

to miss carebear: in response to your lamenting, i have only one suggestion, or rather, REMINDER:


u really have to get down to it soon (and then we can go celebrate using the $1,000, tee hee!)!!!

Ah Qing said...

ah sir!!! so u r back from bkk??!! i doubt it will be as fun as my favourite phuket and krabi!

aiyah, wee pull the same stunt again. wee, if you r reading this, u ought to be ashamed! finding us only when u need us! HMMPH!

i hope there's some good stuff at ALL's birthday bash. *hopeful* erm, BBQ chicken wings?

Anonymous said...

hoi i never find u all when needed hor! i went to talk to ah sir yest and we were discussing when to meet up so i asked if this sat is ok..

im free on fri nite after work also