1st, 2nd and 3rd Aunt, Ah Hoon and Haoling came up to my house to visit. 2nd Aunt brought Bobbi along, which was a serious invasion into Meow Meow's territory. Meow Meow was on high alert for any suspicious movement from the dog, but I think Bobbi's eyes were too clouded to see anything in front of her (except food). 2nd Aunt was afraid the cat would scratch Bobbi's eyes and Mum was afraid the dog would clamp and snap Meow Meow's neck. So they had to be kept apart.
6th Aunt was advising us not to be so immersed in gambling that we forget to go to the toilet. To which, 2nd Aunt began to dish out her philosophy about 'You can go to the toilet everyday but you will not have the chance to gamble everyday'. (See last year's CNY entry if you have forgotten)
And 6th Aunt actually changed her stand and agreed with her!
Hian niao is a fun game where we actually had the power to decide what cards the dealer is going to get! Poor 2nd Aunt had been getting a total score of 2 points for the previous 2 rounds, and in this round, she got an even better score of 1, (no) thanks to our evil chanting.
Time passed by so fast under our merry-making that soon, it was midnight and there went our CNY Day 2. Well, we will still meet the next day to watch movies at Henglip's house!
It's super duper funny... i guess i would be the most loyal one to patronize ur blog to see the videos.. haha
haha thank you thank you
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