Had a family chalet at Aloha Loyang to celebrate
Haoling's birthday. Arrived there late on the first night because had a school event earlier, and by the time I arrived there was already not much food left. I was also so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. Ah Sir sneaked out of the chalet and went back home while I was sleeping! What a stunt she pulled again!
Awoke on Sunday noon to a rude shock: water supply was cut due to a major water pipe burst. Lucky Henglip and Haoling had already washed up before this happened, while I had to resort to walking all the way to the dirty and sandy public toilet at Pasir Ris Park to bathe. Henglip wanted to fry some crepes for breakfast, but could not without water. The water supply was forecasted to resume only on Monday, and everyone was frustrated with the poor management of this issue and the waiting for some water rations to be given to us. Even the water supply to the public toilets in the chalet compound was cut.
Kar Cheng, Henglip, Haoling and I played mahjong to pass time, with the birthday girl sweeping the winnings. Birthday luck, it must be. The buffet dinner started at about 6pm, and as usual, it would be a feast because I really love the fried prawns. No yam paste, though. After that, a Gelare ice-cream cake was brought out and the usuals went on: Happy Birthday chorus, cake-cutting, photos-taking and two curious Brandon and Gordon staring intensely at the cake and imagining it was their birthday.

Brandon and Gordon sporting the same neon green T-shirt

Haoling the birthday girl

Elegant macadamia-flavoured ice-cream cake (unfortunately not enough for most of us to have second helpings)
We spent the remainder of the night playing dai dee, and laughing at Ah Sir who kept being stuck with the 'Shit' title. To add on to her misery, all of us coerced her to express her pride at her undesirable title and be recorded on camera. Despite the stunted image flow, her "I'm Shit" and our cackling laughter were unmistakeable.

Henglip, Ah Xian and Ah Sir playing dai dee and guzzling many packets of Yeo's drinks
Ah Sir saying that she was Shit
We ended the night early and left for home cruising and enjoying the night breeze at the back of 4th Uncle's pickup truck.