Thursday, November 22, 2007

Night Out with Bong

Met up with Bong and her friend Raymond for a night out at Boat Quay. Could not believe our favourite KTV pub was gone, so we just settled for one of the many KTV pubs that lined the streets. Basically just drank and sang the whole night. Not unusual for a song to repeated four times, much to our exasperation (especially Bong's 'crippled' song), as the patrons there all seemed to want to sing to the same things.

I called for "3号妈咪" to be played, and Raymond was clearly enjoying the song because he was squeaking femininely and flinging a napkin in my face sluttily. I was quite caught by surprise and for a moment, I thought he was possessed by a mamasan spirit. We were all getting high and laughing away until suddenly, a botak man dashed to our tables and asked us if he looked fierce. We all nodded furiously, and he looked dejected and went out (before coming back and asking the same question again fifteen minutes later) . That was all I could remember for the night.

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