Social Studies was fun today, because we were tasked to create games that extol the 6 National Education values or encompass any aspect of Singapore. We created a board game
a la Game of Life, where players move along in life (every space on the board represents one year) and experience significant events like taking the 'O' Levels, buying a new house, getting retrenched and contracting cancer. The goal of the game is to reach 80 years old and claim the long-awaited
CPF payouts. Of course, upon landing on a significant life event, players will have to draw cards and answer boring questions about Singapore and its policies. This game was created as a satirical mockery of Singapore's law and policies (Retrieve my
CPF savings at 80 years old? By then I would have been too weak to go mountain-climbing, and I can jolly well spend those money on buying 4D, dentures and Yoko Yoko).

Our board game, with a boring title: Life in Singapore

I hope Dr Sim does not detect that subtle satire here!

The three ingenious creators behind this piece of nonsense
The game looks fun!!! Do you still have it? I feel like playing and I want to play... HAHAHA.
yawn recruit y so long le still no new updates...zzz..
btw u looked damn "hiao" in ur DoubleO pics wahahaha
to haoling: no loh, its just a lame game lah. monopoly is much better than that.
to ah sir: busy mah, finishing up last lap of assignments. haha dbl 0 is a place to go hiao.
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