My chicken cutlet donburi (looked ghastly)
The weather was fucked-up, it started pouring just as we were about to transport the case to Jurong Entertainment Centre. Someone was particularly stingy with us calling cab, hmmph.
Second display case up at Jurong Entertainment Centre
After that went to the Live Tortoise and Turtle Musuem at Chinese Garden! It was fun! It was a small musuem inside Chinese Garden showcasing both the common and the rare tortoises and turtles, and the entrance fee was just $5. Among which were the Chinese Orient Turtle (used in cooking soups), the Pig-Nosed Turtle, the Matamata (whose head looks like a dead leaf which allows it to camouflage), the Snake-necked Turtle (the name very much speaks for itself), the Sulcata (a freaking HUGE tortoise about 1m long but it is only the third largest in the world) etc etc etc. My personal favourite is the Alligator Snapping Turtle, its unique point is a vein on its tongue that looks like a fresh pink earthworm that WRIGGLES. So it will open its mouth, making unsuspecting fishes mistake that vein for a real earthworm and swim towards it and the turtle snaps its mouth (hence its namesake)! Wicked!
The Alligator Snapping Turtle when hungry (see the pink earthworm-like vein!)
The Alligator Snapping Turtle when full (stone away ...)
There is also a pond there infested with red-eared terrapins. As I walked towards it, they all paddled towards me, thinking that I have food for them. How smart. I was feeding them fish food pellets (bought at $1 per pack) happily until I realised that they were too busy paddling and staring at me to realise that I have already dropped their food into the water. And then HUGE catfishes emerged from nowhere and gulped down the pellets. Gross. What was grosser was two smart pigeons were staring at me and demanding to be fed too.
The keeper of the musuem is a kind man who has invested millions in setting up the musuem (and the pond, the tanks and the enclosures) for his tortoises and turtles (which is his hobby). He has leased the place from Chinese Garden so this musuem will be around for a year or two more, but it is undergoing the second phase of renovation, so expect to see more tortoises and turtles in a few months time!
While he was narrating his story, he brought us to an enclosure of Great Malaysian Turtles and handed me a few cucumbers and carrots to feed them. Man, there were at least 30 in there and each was about 80cm long! They sure aren't slow when it comes to feeding time. So I just held the cucumber near them and they would climb on top of another and craning their necks to get a bite. What an experience.
There were several grass tortoises roaming all over the grass, which kind of shocked me. I mean, what if I accidentally stepped on them or kicked them? But I certainly had fun kicking the terappins which were basking in the sun back into the pond. Keke.
how did u find out abt e turtle museum?
heehee, through newspaper loh. but u can check this out: http://www.turtle-tortoise.com/index.html
nothing beats visiting the musuem itself than looking at these pictures.
u can bring u-noe-who there and have fun feeding pigeons, oh i mean terrapins, and kicking unsuspecting ones into the pond.
and if u r lucky, u can spot some tortoises mating. which i ACCIDENTALLY did. look closer and you will realise their tails are actually the *censored*.
oh, and if u are intending to go, go on a lazy weekday late afternoon. weekends are when families bring carts of vegetables to feed the great malaysian turtles, and u wun even have the chance to see them, much less feed them.
oso, on weekdays u have all the turtles to urself. n the keeper will ask u if u wanna see and feed the great malaysian turtles (which are REALLy hidden in a corner). if not, go and ask him about them. he has quite a hearing problem though, but hes NICE.
the $5 applies to both weekdays and weekends.
wah laooooooo. wah lao. you bitch. kick poor unsuspecting terrapins.
how can i have a girl like you as my baby. sigh.
baby! its fun! its totally my idea of fun! its fun to see them struggling to climb onto the pond bank and then with one kick, off they go back into the water with a SPLASH! best is if they land on other terrapins!
GO N DIE LAH. i where gt so mean.
wah lau recruit i really think u r very evil leh..its cruelty to animals lor!!even thou their shells r hard, but i think it will stil be painful lor!!!
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