Tuesday, January 31, 2006
My New Year Celebrations Day 3
Mahjong was fun, with me displaying my lazy / handicapped syndrome (as usual) and greatly annoying them. Wee was extra annoying for farting silently twice at the mahjong table without having the courtesy to inform us in advance. We were amused with Henglip's neat organisation of his mahjong tiles: he would form haphazard clusters with his tiles (by grouping into bamboos, circles and thousands) and we could tell which cluster was of which group. That wasn't very intelligent.
四姨 was nice to cook dinner for us, and after dinner, we resumed mahjong. Later in the night, suddenly Henglip grabbed a stray cat from nowhere. Apparently it was injured and 四姨 had the medication for it. Cool.
So we played mahjong mindlessly from afternoon till late night. We initially intended to play for money, but don't know how Wee caluculate one, it appeared that no one lost any money (by right someone is supposed to lose some money and the winner will gain that money). So in the end, we were so tired to backtrack the accounts, and we played for like, nine hours for NOTHING.
Monday, January 30, 2006
My New Year Celebrations Day 2
Then in the afternoon, entertained Ah Sir, Wee, Hao Ling, Heng Lip and Ah Hao back home with a 周星驰 movie. After that, we all went down to Ah Ma's house for gambling again, which extended till late at night. We tried to usurp the uncles' mahjong table while they went for dinner (which they always hog every year from morning to night), but it was not long before Ah Ma came and chased us away.
Ah Sir was a spoilsport who had to leave early for her favourite nightspot, but before she left, we took some pictures with 三姨's cool Sony Ericsson K750i's camera with 2 megapixel.

My New Year Celebrations Day 1
Day 1 is just as great. The usual routine of going down to Ah Ma's house, collect ang-pows, 'smack' my annoying cousins, put up with compliments / criticisms / stupid questions from everyone, gamble till our minds become saturated, and gorge on junk food till our kidneys become soaked with sugar, salt and grease.
After entertaining a bunch of baffoons [namely Wee, Henglip and Kar Cheng (namely buttocks)] at my house, we all went down to Ah Ma's house for lunch! Lunch was fabulous with chicken and duck, bamboo shoots, sea cucumber, broccoli, goh hiong, and all the miscellaneous. There I had to entertain stupid questions about a non-existent biker boy / F4 / Ah Huat etc. It was a torture and I believe it will get worse over the next few years.
All my relatives started streaming in one by one, ang-pow collection started to become a frenzy. As usual, 二姨 and family were the latecomers shashaying in at about mid-afternoon. Bobbi came along too.
Bobbi isn't your regular "awww-shooo-cuuute" kind of dog which wags its tail in delight and tries to snuggle up to you. No. Try to pet it and it will clamp your fingers. Not to mention the ferocious stare too.
Ah Ma's house is always decked with goodies every Chinese New Year: bak kwa, pineapple tarts, cornflake cookies, potato chips, egg rolls, 旺旺烧饼, Kit Kat and even junior-sized Jia Jia liang teh. Cool.
Some cousin of ours brought his girlfriend along, and as usual, any new additions (confirmed or unconfirmed) to our family do not escape from being bitched on. (Wee loved to imitate the double chin).
Kar Cheng the lucky shit went on a backpacking trip to Ko Samui. Damm envious.
However, I still miss the Chinese New Years when we were all kids. Those days of playing with fire sparklers and poppers (and bathing in the smoke and confetti), eating lots of junk food (who cared about weight gain back then?), and gambling (hopeful for some winnings on top of the ang-pow money). Sigh, how much we have grown.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Fun at SAC and Lot 1

Yeah right. How fun it was to lug nine acrylic sheets home the day before, get my fingers corroded by the acrylic glue and realise I couldn't piece them together. How fun it was to rush to Daiso at IMM late at night to look for materials for the stand and realise it just isn't possible to piece a decent-looking stand out of $2 materials?
Just when I was despairing and considering to postpone the Search for Angel contest, I decided to bring everything back to SAC. There Bin helped me piece together the acrylic box (despite looking like a trapezium) and piece together the stand by wrapping a table with black cloth. It took a full 4 hours, from glueing and taping the acrylic box, waiting for a slow delivery boy, trudging to Clementi Central to buy black cloth, waiting for the correct key, stapling the cloth to the table, to entertaining Mr. T and Today's reporter.

Baby and I slogged like hell to do all the menial work

Me sitting on Baby's beloved baby
Luring Mr. T's pet fishes to bite me
Mr. T's canivorous pet fishes
Then after a gruelling wait for the taxi, we finally found a willing uncle to ferry me, Bin and our display case. We reached Lot 1 and we quickly set up the thing outside KBox. It was freaking embarassing, I hated the curious stares from onlookers. As if that was not bad enough, we realised our acrylic box was disintegrating! Yikes! The glue could not hold properly and the box nearly fell apart. We quickly salvaged the box, barricaded the area, and quickly fled the scene.
Ta-da! What we have been doing all day long!
Take a look and we can see Jas's shattered photo frame and shredded photo (Yikes, sorry!)
We were so worn out at the end of the day we couldn't even go shopping. So we just stoned on the bus on the way home. But I am so grateful to Baby to help me set up the display case. It is tough, and there are two more! Yikes!
Next time we go Clementi Central and buy bubble tea with the tip the tailor gave us. Keke!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Horrible day
Evil witch.
It was horrible to wrap myself under two blankets, wait for my body to break out in sweat, then happily flung them off, only to catch a chill again. The cycle just goes on. I even rewarded my sore throat with a curry puff today.
Went for my first ever tutorial in this semester. I was totally lost in what was going on but still, I managed to appear interested and modest in learning. I quickly fled after one hour.
Tomorrow is going to be worse. I am going to paste the acrylic sheets together and Sluggie is going to help make the stands. Friday I am going to lug the whole crap to Lot 1 and plant it there for kids to smack their drool-lined handprints on my precious acrylic casing / for drunkards who stagger out of KBox to barf on my display case / for the BLACK SOCIETY people to use liquid paper and doodle tribal crap / for bored-*ucks to exercise their leg power and kick it so that it falls to the first floor and smashes to smithereens.
Mr. T will only reimburse me when he sees his three classified-as-SAC-assets arrive in good condition. I shall assign Bin to guard the SAC's valuable assets every night.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Fun at QTSS
Then we had fun going around the school exploring and taking stupid pictures loh. Also lazed at the booth chatting until there was no end.
Cool! Creative art and craft made out of drink packets!
It is tough doing pull-ups
Me and Bin up to some tomfoolery
Went to Marina Square to explore after that. Had a great time trying out the bras with Bin at this bra shop. Real cool. Then met her sister at her workplace where she is promoting Starhub's iMode, and she really amused me with her cute rendition of the iMode commercial song ("Say I like, Play I like, I like, I Mode").
But nothing cracked me more up than the "Tomorrow the minced meat is selling cheap and fish selling at half price". What a wicked reply.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Happy Day
Oei Bin, the Tiger Girl in black leotards and boots job.
Cam whores as usual. But Solid Gold reluctantly became one too, though Bin's camera is proclaimed to make him FARGLY.

When it comes to 'bimbo-ness', no one will personalize that term as well as my baby
A radiant Solid Gold in between us
Don't underestimate the assets between Solid Gold's beefy arms, Bin loves to dance along to his rhythmic Tit Jiggle
Later met Bong and Mo for shopping. Had a great dinner at Subway where we exchanged many tips on erm, *censored*. The three of us hailed one another as: Bong as the Guru in Signals, Me as the Guru in *censored* and Mo as the Guru in Soccer [(Betting), albeit on a losing streak].
Happy for Bong because things are going well for her again. Happy for Bin because she finally *censored*. Happy for Mo because I am going to make her move out with me because she doesn't want to see her brother's *censored* though she has never seen it before. Happy for myself because I have so many FYP tasks with me that I am going to start assigning them to everyone.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
First lesson in 2006
Went to the Boon Lay pasar malam to pig out on my favourite Ramly burger and sharks fin soup.
Saw this really really really lovely Japanese Spitz at the JP pet shop. That small white fox-like dog totally caught my heart. I just pasted my face against the glass casing and drooled at it.
My friend whom I got to know at bike lessons has moved on to Prac 4! Yikes! I think I am going to quickly pick up from where I left off and catch up with her!
Someone and I exchanged some confessions last night, but he went away without answering my important question.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Fun at GMSS
I was pretty motivated to shove the quiz forms into the students' faces today, and together with Bin, we had to hover above them and make sure they fill them all up before we left them alone. It always takes ages for those reluctant kids to finish filling up the forms, but at least there is guranteed response if we work like that. Just handing the students the forms and then trusting them to complete and submit them diligently only turns the canteen into a dirty one littered with our forms, postcards and brochures.
And then again, my motivation wasn't very well-rewarded, so much work for those few pieces of forms. Not to mention getting those weird stares from the kids and having to entertain some of those cheeky boys. I would love to just sit by the booth and count the forms, right Bin?

Our booth
Me and Bin!
Two things I realised today:
1) It is damm freaking cold to walk in the rain. Fun though.
2) It is damm freaking torturous to wear rain-soaked underwear even after changing into dry clothes.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Fun at JYSS
A joker was so keen to win a prize from our quiz that he secretly came and begged us to let him win using "underhand means". And he was so losoh loh, saying he skipped class to come and beg us, and how he really want to win the prizes etc. He was pretty freaky lah, so we didn't let him win. Haha.

Simin, Bin and me!
Our promotional materials (Bin is easily spotted off them can)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Fun at JWSS
Nevertheless, I still will pose nice for pics! Thanks Baby!

I miss my secondary school days. I miss my sec school's canteen. I miss Bonesai and Saibone (and Nebonsai). I miss that stupid boy from 4A. I miss everything about AHS.
Movie with Ah Sir
Had dinner at Long John Silvers, then went to catch the 6.30pm screening of 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the Lion and the Wardrobe'. At first, I was like "What hell kind of title is THAT! These three items have no link at all loh. It is like a story on a siew mai, a pencil and a taxi." But after watching, then I realised the connection between these three.
It was a great movie! The witch is so annoyingly evil that I feel like pouring Tobasco sauce down her CB. I love the lion so much that I cried when it died. But it was resurrected later which made me feel rather stupid to have wasted my tears.
After that went Cafe Cartel and had a good chat with Ah Sir. We are anticipating Chinese New Year to come beacuse it would mean for us three drunken days of gorging on junk food, gambling and hysterical laughing. Time really flies fast, 12 more days and it's coming!
To my Baby who is going through a rough patch now: Don't despair ok? 船到桥头自然直, but don't make the wrong move k?
To my Baby whose swinging knife nearly killed someone: Don't lose your sanity like that le okay? I need you till 16th March! No lah, just kidding, till forever ok!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
My Baby's Birthday

Me and my lovely babies
Mingrong was super duper nice to buy Bong a really lovely and delicious birthday 'cake' which he left at the reception counter as a surprise. It wasn't a cake actually, it was a erm, 'cake' made up by stacking a hill of cream puffs. It was really nice. Yummy.
This is the really unique cake. Cool.
My GREAT singing partner came and joined us later, which was cool because he is a great singing partner! After all, in my heart, he is the 牡丹杯卡拉OK歌唱比赛冠军. I enjoyed his company when singing songs that Bong and Mo wouldn't want to sing like 一言难尽, 死性不改 etc and of course my favourite 零 by 柯有伦, which I totally am in love with this song and its singer. I had to sing it twice and it felt really great shouting when it came to the chorus. Well, Bong drove me crazy by repeatedly singing JJ's songs at least three times for each.
After that, Mo, Bong and me went to AMK where we parked ourselves there together with Mo's bf at the S-11 there to watch soccer. It was Mo and her bf who were the soccer fanatics, Bong and I were contented with just sitting at the kopitiam and drinking ourselves silly.
Looking at the subtly lovey-dovey Mo and bf (and occasionally cheeky), I couldn't help but be envious of her. It is really amazing how happy and radiant couples can be when they are going through the honeymoon periods during their relationships. My heart really aches when I see such irritating people in action. I think I haven't been happy for a long time.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Having fun at BBSS
We had to pull people to visit our booth and get them to join in the quiz. So Bin and I had to step into the canteen and approach the students. Not to mention being harassed by the boys too. Severely harassed.
Bin and I had lunch at their canteen. Wow, the food is cheap! Sigh, remind me of my sec school days. But don't know why, the portion is so small leh. I mean back then I never thought that sec school canteen food portions were THAT small, maybe because the recesses were so short that there was no time to go for a second round. Or maybe because my appetite has grown so much all over the years and that is pretty alarming considering the wobbly paunch and thunder thighs that I have now.
Cam-whores gallery:
Parames, me and Baby
Baby and I under the staircase!
This is the Youth Anti- Run Away Campaign 2006 I have been talking about
I just had to take a picture with the school pond!
We had this mini quiz where students fill up the forms and we had a lucky draw to pick out three winners. I was really impressed by this student's perseverence. He was this cute (as in amusingly cute and not gorgeously cute) short fat Malay guy from Sec 2, whom I got somehow suspicious of when I noticed he kept loitering around the booth. Apparently, he had been secretly filling up and entering more than one quiz forms! My suspicions were confirmed when I vetted through all the entries and found five forms from him with the same answers, some particulars and same handwriting. How kiasu can he get? So when I was to pick the second winner, I decided to let him win by picking his entry purposely. Yes, that is cheating but I just could not help but felt that I might as well make his persistent efforts pay off.
And yes, was he happy when his name was announced. He was rewarded a pair of Nokia slippers for his prize and he was grinning from ear to ear. By the way, he was so attentive towards our efforts that he kept reading the posters and watching our video (and recognised that I acted in it because he actually memorized a portion of the speech directed towards me and came and said that to me! In the video, Bin was telling me "You like that run away from home, wait the Bangala come and catch you ah!" He said the very exact statement to me, giggled and ran off.) This guy really got me very amused, among others like a very funky discipline mistress and he 'obedient' bodyguards, a loner that roamed around the hall aimlessly and a toilet which emitted ultra-strong ammonia fumes.
Looking forward to my next school trip. Don't scorn me Bin, you know my REAL purpose.
Friday, January 06, 2006
A Night Out with Bin and Don
I guess I have not done justice to pf by implying that he was lying when he insisted he did drop by dbl 0 to find me on Ney Year Eve. Okay, pf, sorry to you and I regret that my slowness has caused us to miss meeting each other (Bong insisted I boogie with her to Don't Phunk With My Heart first before I leave the dancefloor).
Went filming again at SAC yesterday. And again, it was Bin and Leon (and Parames!) This time I had to act really grateful to SAC for helping me reunite with my family. As a result I stammered because I really did not know of anything nice to say about SAC. Heh heh.
Then after filming Leon, Bin and I went to have dinner! At the Clementi hawker centre where we ate western food!

At the upper deck of the bus, we cam-whored like siao again, giggled and Bin had the audacity to accidentally spew out a drop of mucus from her mouth, which she happily wiped it at the back of the seat! Yikes! We were the TB (tuberlucosis lah) Babes that night. And she entertained me with her ghost stories along the way, and of course, stories about the HULK. Kekeke.
Went to meet Don at Chijmes. Met Samuel first, and we parked ourselves at the Gatsby at Chijmes. We ordered drinks and Don came later, who looked real baked and reeked of alcohol. Then Bin and I cam-whored again.
Don will only smile when asked to and when he does, it is RADIANT
After that, Bin left me for her Hulk (GGrrrrrr!!!!) while I went to take cab with Don. Don picked up a Muay Thai boxing shorts on the road, and we were like 'WTF, what is this thing doing here?' and he conveniently threw it back onto the road again. He was hungry so we went to the Bedok Blk 85 pasar to eat supper and chat over beer. Wow, beer is cheap at $5 a bottle!
Poor Bin, my condolences to her whose guinea pig of eight years died (and my salutations for her guts to attempt to dig it out of the rubbish chute but to no avail). By the way Bin knows very well she deserves piles!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I wanna chop off my nose
Went to ICA to collect my newly-made IC. It looks like crap. $100 on an ugly pink plastic with my FARGLY picture on it. And it is actually an offence to walk around without an IC. Then went to BBDC to take my final theory test, and I passed! Woohoo! The computerised test system reminded me of my Riding Theory Test which I failed. But I am not going back again. But sadly he didn't.
I am suffering now.
Monday, January 02, 2006
FYP on a New Year Day
Saw Yuzhen on the bus as I was on the way to Tampines. What a surprise. She told me she was intending to gather everyone (our primary school classmates) for a gathering. I can get to see my childhood pals again. She told me one of them is getting married. Wow, think marriage must be fun.
Met Bin, Jas and Min at Starbucks, and we got down to discussion. Haha, met up with my OCBC senior Marc inside Starbucks. So long never see him and he still remembers me and Yit Jen.
Bin left shortly after and before she left, we cam-whored around Tampines Mall!
The Stubby-Arm-Jutting-Out-When-Self-Taking Syndrome
Seeing her so happy makes me feel like stabbing her
Saw Shuqin (not Socks) at Tamp Mall and wow, she is pretty! Anyway, the dicsussion lasted for a long long time and it was intensive but I had to hold on for my degree's sake. Sigh, lots and lots of work to do.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Looking Towards 2006
The throngs of crowd at Clarke Quay was unbelievably huge yesterday, especially the queue snaking from Ministry of Sound. The queue at dbl 0 was no exception when we reached there at 11.15pm. Bong gave me a cutey pinkey bikini for my brithday pressie! THANKS baby! I can wear it to Phuket this summer and be a cutey pinkey bimbo suntanning at the beach! We had some pre-dbl 0 fun complaining to the bouncer named Hippopotamus that many people were cutting into our queue and as usual, he was trying to be funny by giving us stupid tips on how to enter dbl 0 through a non-existent express queue. Me and Bong began to act like cam-whores (camera whores, a phrase coined by Bin).

I look naked but I'm not...

Screaming at the dancefloor!
We just had a nice time dancing and then the DJ started playing 'The Final Countdown' and we knew it was nearing 12! Me and Mo were saying and laughing that this was the theme song for 赌 神 by 周润发. Then the counting down began and when it struck 12, streamers and confetti descended from above and the crazy nuts around us started spraying foamy stuff all over everyone's heads. The three of us screamed happily and we kissed each other Happy New Year! We did have our usual boob-jabbing exercises earlier but the kisses were the highlight of the night!As luck would have it, I met the stalker again. He was hovering behind Mo and gazing at me. When I recognised his face, I alerted my babies and we shrieked! It really seemed like a scene from some horror movie about psychotic stalkers. We were so surprised he still can recognise me! Bong was so nice to tell him to leave us alone, but when he told her that he just wanted to wish me Happy New Year (and said "No problem" when told to leave me alone), a wave of guilt and sympathy crashed into me. Yes, I am still freaked out by his forthcoming proposal that night, but I should not condemm him like that. So some time later when I saw him again at the dancefloor, I wished him Happy New Year and we smiled. No ill feelings. Though time to time, Bong would irk me by teasing me "Hey he is looking at you again..."
Bong attracted this admirably persistent guy who bought us drinks and even went to fetch tissues for us when we were sweating. Mo got one who directly asked for her number. I got one who looked like 品冠 who asked if he can dance with me. Stupid pf was trying to be funny too. He should know better.
Our backs were breaking at the end of the night and Mo's friend drove each of us home. It was raining and sigh, what a gloomy way to mark the end of our lovely night. I fell into sleep quickly and for a full ten hours!
2005 for me was a okay year with certain blessings and mishaps. The blessings are obviously having a bunch of really cool babies: Bong who promised to cry at my funeral and Mo who promised to be my bridesmaid at my wedding (haha, what contrasting images), Bin (haha, who psychoed me to take bike lessons, who MSNed each other instead of worked during PI, who had a nice time bitching about Bunny and Naggy with me!), Bo (who is sooooooooo in tune with me but we hardly meet up nowadays, and Bo, if you are reading this, I really really miss those days where we would meet at my house bus stop and go to school together and have breakfast at the canteen), George (my lovely JC sidekick but has sadly drifted away from me), Spongey (she really made my PI an enjoyable one, and guess what, I am Patrick Star and she's Spongebob Squarepants! We are nuts about this cartoon!), Ah Sir and Wee and Kar Cheng (as in Asshole) and Henglip and Hao Ling (my interesting cousins) and HIM! And also all the people who have walked into my life and made it interesting, I am thankful to each and everyone of them!
I had my fair share of ill luck too, which I haplessly slipped into after my vacation to Kanchanaburi, where I burnt my leg in an accident and left a FARGLY scar, lost my wallet and IC, got my bank account hacked into, got bogged down by all the projects and FYP, and got into some boy trouble. But of course, though life may be difficult to you at times, as long as you handle things clamly and sensibly, you will tide over the bad times. And being optimistic and believe in yourself help no matter how daunting everything is. Though I may seem like a Siao Za Bo / Ah Lian / Bimbo or whatever you call me, I still have some wisdom and golden words one okay! Ha!
I am going to be a better girl by saving more drowning ants and take extra precaution to avoid stepping on snails. Here's a better year to all of you!